When did your baby start to sing real songs?
Cute! I noticed last week that Sophie was starting to mimic different sounds...I was "singing" LaLaLa to her and now she will repeat LaLa's back. She can't carry a tune though..or maybe I can't and that's why she isn't.
Now if I could get her to say momma...(she has but wont when asked) she'll look at me and say "dada" then smile.

so funny you posted this. Yesterday, I swear Quade was singing you are my sunshine to me. Which is the song his sister and I have sang to him since the day he was born. He has started dancing this week and also conducting music, hehe. His grandmpa plays and conducts classical music with him every day. We were listening to music and Q started waving his arm, haha. I dont know how long he has been doing this, we just figured out that is what he was doing, hehe.
Awh- Sophie conducts music and dances too. She conducts music with a spoon. Long story but we'll leave it at she loved these plastic spoons we have, and I have recently begun to notice that she is moving them around to music. She's also found her voice...i.e. I can scream louder then you and daddy are talking.